
As part of any cryptocurrency related app, it’s essential to be able to access a list of other cryptocurrencies and their asset data (such as asset logo) to use within your app, otherwise you’ll likely need to try and find this yourself. The useEtherspotAssets hook makes this easy for you by allowing you to access our prebuilt list of tokens for every chain.

How to use

import {
} from "@etherspot/transaction-kit";

// Later in your component function...

const { getAssets } = useEtherspotAssets();

// When you're ready to fetch the assets...

const tokens = await getAssets();

// `tokens` will look similar to the following...

// [
//   {
//     "address": "0xe3818504c1B32bF1557b16C238B2E01Fd3149C17",
//     "chainId": 1,
//     "decimals": 18,
//     "logoURI": ",format",
//     "name": "Pillar",
//     "symbol": "PLR"
//   },
//   {
//     "address": "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
//     "chainId": 1,
//     "decimals": 6,
//     "logoURI": "",
//     "name": "USDT",
//     "symbol": "USDT"
//   },
//   ...  
// ]