
A TypeScript library to sign UserOperations with a remote sessionKey

  • SDK allows you to sign the UserOp using the sessionKey stored in the remote KeyManagementService
  • The PrivateKey associated with the SessionKey is stored in a secured Cloud based KeyManagementService
  • All interactions with the KMS is authenticated and only authorized users (via APIKey) can use the remoteSigner SDK

This section contains information on how to install the RemoteSigner SDK, all of the features you can implement using it and which functions you can use to implement them.

RemoteSigner SDK Features

The RemoteSigner SDK unlocks a number of easy to implement Sign and Send a UserOp using SessionKey and it enables features for your dapp or network such as:

  • Sign UserOp

  • RemoteSigner SDK is a fully open source SDK which let’s dapp developers easily get building with SessionKey Signature enabled Modular Smart Accounts.

  • The SDK makes it incredibly easy to get up and running with using Sessionkey based Signature from remote signer and send the UserOp to the bundler.

  • Session-Key-Signer is hosted in AWS cloud environment which stores the sessionKeys and backend infra service to sign using the privateKey associated with the sessionKey. Signed UserOp is sent to the Etherspot Bundler

Modules and functions in Remote-Signer


  • remote signer need to provide the necessary parameters
    1. account
    2. chainId
    3. apiKey
    4. sessionKey

The signUserOperation function will handle the signing process and return the signed user operation.