This page will contain an exhaustive list of all functions we can call using the SDK.

If you want to take a look at the SDK code in more detail then you can check these functions out here on Github.

Function NameDescription
validateSessionKey() returns booleanget sessionKey details from remote permissioned backend service followed by a check onchain if the sessionKey is live
isSessionKeyLiveOnChain() returns booleanruns a static simulation for onchain call - isSessionKeyAlive and returns true if session is live
getSessionKeyOnChainData() returns SessionKeyOnChainDataquery ERC20SessionKeyValidator contract onchain via simulateCall on sessionData
signUserOp(userOp) returns SignedUserOpaccepts Userop Struct and sends it to permissioned backend service which signs the Userop usingthe privateKey of SessionKey from KMS
destroy()Destroys the SDK object.
estimate(gasDetails?: TransactionGasInfoForUserOp)Returns the estimated amount of gas a transaction will cost.
getGasFee()Returns the current gas fee for the network.
send(userOp: UserOperationStruct)Sends a struct of signed UserOps to the bundler.
getNativeBalance()Returns the native token amount of the Etherspot wallet.
getUserOpReceipt(userOpHash: string)Returns the receipt of a UserOp processed by the bundler.
getUserOpHash(userOp: UserOperationStruct)Returns the hash of a UserOp processed by the bundler.
addUserOpsToBatch(tx: UserOpsRequest)Adds a UserOp to the batch before sending.
clearUserOpsFromBatch()Clears the batch.