This page will contain an exhaustive list of all functions we can call using the SDK.

If you want to take a look at the SDK code in more detail then you can check these functions out here on Github.

Function NameDescription
installModule(moduleTypeId: MODULE_TYPE, module: string, initData?: string)installs a module identified by its moduleType and moduleAddress. moduleType must be from the list of valid moduleTypes in module-details page. initData is optional
getPreviousModuleAddress(moduleTypeId: MODULE_TYPE, module: string)get previous module for a specific module installed on etherspot modular wallet
generateModuleDeInitData(moduleTypeId: MODULE_TYPE, module: string, moduleDeInitData: string)generate the deInitData to uninstall the module. deInitData includes the prevModuleAddress along with deinitData specific to the module being uninstalled.
uninstallModule(moduleTypeId: MODULE_TYPE, module: string, deinitData: string)uninstalls a module identified by its moduleType and moduleAddress. moduleType must be from the list of valid moduleTypes in module-details page. deinitData is mandatory which is used to identify previous module to unlink current module
isModuleInstalled(moduleTypeId: MODULE_TYPE, module: string)check if the module is installed on the etherspot modular wallet. returns true or false
getAllModules(pageSize: number = DEFAULT_QUERY_PAGE_SIZE)get List of all modules installed on etherspot modular wallet. Query is made in paginated manner with an option to set page-size, In absence of page-size, defaultPageSize will override the pageSize argument
destroy()Destroys the SDK object.
signMessage()Signs a message using the Etherspot modular wallet.
supportedNetworks()get list of supported networks and chainIds
getCounterFactualAddress()Gets the address of the Etherspot wallet created.
estimate(gasDetails?: TransactionGasInfoForUserOp)Returns the estimated amount of gas a transaction will cost.
totalGasEstimated(userOp: UserOperationStruct)Returns the estimated amount of gas a batch of transactions will cost.
getGasFee()Returns the current gas fee for the network.
send(userOp: UserOperationStruct)Sends a struct of signed UserOps to the bundler.
getNativeBalance()Returns the native token amount of the Etherspot wallet.
getUserOpReceipt(userOpHash: string)Returns the receipt of a UserOp processed by the bundler.
getUserOpHash(userOp: UserOperationStruct)Returns the hash of a UserOp processed by the bundler.
addUserOpsToBatch(tx: UserOpsRequest)Adds a UserOp to the batch before sending.
clearUserOpsFromBatch()Clears the batch.
getAccountContract()Returns the Etherspot smart contract for the Etherspot smart wallet.