This page will contain detailed information on how to uninstall a module from the Modular Wallet and how to prepare deinitData for module installation

Install Module

Module can be installed on a Etherspot Modular wallet with some pre-requisite checks before transaction is sent to bundler

  1. Module is not installed yet on the wallet
  2. Module is a valid contract address

Uninstall Module

  1. Module can be uninstalled from wallet via uninstall SDK function
  2. Module uninstallation is associated with deinitData which contains the data needed to complete module removal from wallet storage
    • previous module address
    • optional module specific deinit data which is used during uninstall process

Get deinitData

  • Uninstallation needs deinitData which has 2 essential components:
    1. previous module address

    2. module specific deinitData (this is an optional argument and replaced by default deinitData if there is no need of module specific data)

    • DeinitData can be generated using the SDK helperfunction: generateModuleDeInitData
      • moduleType
      • module (moduleAddress)
      • moduleDeInitData (module specific deInitData or defaulted deinitData - 0x00)
    • Example to generate DeinitData and uninstall is at: module-uninstall-example

If you want to take a look at the SDK code in more detail then you can check these functions out here on Github.