This page will contain an exhaustive list of all functions we can call using the SessionKeyValidator SDK.

If you want to take a look at the SDK code in more detail then you can check these functions out here on Github.

Function NameDescription
enableSessionKey(token: string,functionSelector: string,spendingLimit: string,validAfter: number,validUntil: number,keyStore?: KeyStore) returns SessionKeyResponsegenerates a new sessionKey in KMS in secured cloud service and enables the sessionKey onchain in the ERC20SessionKeyValidator
rotateSessionKey(token: string,functionSelector: string,spendingLimit: string,validAfter: number,validUntil: number,oldSessionKey: string,keyStore?: KeyStore) returns SessionKeyResponsegenerates a new sessionKey in KMS in secured cloud service and enables the sessionKey onchain in the ERC20SessionKeyValidator followed by deletion of oldSessionkey in KMS
disableSessionKey(sessionKey: string) returns SessionKeyResponseverify if the sessionKey exists and active followed by disabling sessionKey onchain on ERC20SessionKeyValidator and ending with deletion of sessionkey from KMS in secured cloud service
getAssociatedSessionKeys(sessionKey: string) returns string[]query all sessionKeys of the etherspotModularWallet address from onchain - ERC20SessionKeyValidator
sessionData(sessionKey: string) returns GetSessionKeyResponseget onchain sessionData from ERC20SessionKeyValidator
getSignUserOp(account: string,chainId: number,apiKey: string,sessionKey: string,userOp: UserOperation) returns SignedUserOpextracts the privateKey of the sessionKey from KMS and signs the UserOp with the privateKey and returns the signedUserOp. this function is to be tried from remote-signer SDK