Bundler API keys are passed into the SDK on instantiation. This key is used to track how many calls are made to the to Skandha on whichever chains we support.

You can pass in the API key on instantiation.

There are different plans available for subscription dependant on however many API calls need made.


Quota: 350000 calls (~ 17,500 UserOps) / month Rate: 20 calls / 1 second


Quota: 7000000 calls (~ 100,000 UserOps) / month Rate: 40 calls / 1 second


Quota: 28000000 calls (~ 400,000 UserOps) / month Rate: 100 calls / 1 second


Quota: 250000000 calls (~ 1.5 million UserOps) / month Rate: 200 calls / 1 second

Free plan

Users can generate their API key by going to https://portal.etherspot.io/

Here you can register with your email address, click on the Bundler APIs section, and select the plan you wish to access.

This will be added to your cart, then you can add a new app to assign this key to like so:

Checking out free API plan

Now you can navigate your apps and find your API key.

Here we can update our app details, rotate the key, revoke the key or delete the app.

Editing app details

Users will go through the same steps as above, but will be directed to a payment screen via Stripe to finish off the process.


Pay with Crypto

Users also have the option to pay for plans via Crypto, this can be seen at the top of the page after selecting a paid plan.


When clicking this link you will be brought to this screen and be able to choose to pay for the subscription with USDT, USDC, or DAI. This is handled through subs protocol.
