Prime SDK examples
Concurrent UserOps
Prime SDK
Prime SDK examples
- Run Prime SDK examples
- Get Address
- Transfer Funds
- Transfer ERC20
- Transfer NFT
- Social Logins
- Get Account Balances
- Get Transaction
- Get Token List
- Get NFT List
- Show gas fee in fiat
- Get Exchange Rates
- Get Exchange Supported assets
- Use Paymaster
- Paymaster valid until after specified time
- Swap
- Get bridging quotes (LiFi)
- Get bridging quotes (other)
- Get Zerodev Address
- Get SimpleAccount Address
- User Specific callGasLimit
- Concurrent UserOps
- Add Guardians
Chain Specific Tutorials
Prime SDK examples
Concurrent UserOps
import { ethers, providers } from 'ethers';
import { EtherspotBundler, PrimeSdk } from '../src';
import { printOp } from '../src/sdk/common/OperationUtils';
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { sleep } from '../src/sdk/common';
const recipient = '0x80a1874E1046B1cc5deFdf4D3153838B72fF94Ac'; // recipient wallet address
const value = '0.000001'; // transfer value
const bundlerApiKey = 'etherspot_public_key';
async function main() {
const provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider(process.env.RPC_PROVIDER_URL);
// initializating sdk...
const primeSdk = new PrimeSdk({ privateKey: process.env.WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY }, { chainId: Number(process.env.CHAIN_ID),
bundlerProvider: new EtherspotBundler(Number(process.env.CHAIN_ID), bundlerApiKey)
console.log('address: ', primeSdk.state.EOAAddress)
// get address of EtherspotWallet...
const address: string = await primeSdk.getCounterFactualAddress();
console.log('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', `EtherspotWallet address: ${address}`);
if ((await provider.getCode(address)).length <= 2) {
console.log("Account must be created first");
// clear the transaction batch
await primeSdk.clearUserOpsFromBatch();
// add transactions to the batch
const transactionBatch = await primeSdk.addUserOpsToBatch({to: recipient, value: ethers.utils.parseEther(value)});
console.log('transactions: ', transactionBatch);
// get balance of the account address
const balance = await primeSdk.getNativeBalance();
console.log('balances: ', balance);
// Note that usually Bundlers do not allow sending more than 10 concurrent userops from an unstaked entites (wallets, factories, paymaster)
// Staked entities can send as many userops as they want
let concurrentUseropsCount = 5;
const userops = [];
const uoHashes = [];
while (--concurrentUseropsCount >= 0) {
const op = await primeSdk.estimate({ key: concurrentUseropsCount });
console.log(`Estimate UserOp: ${await printOp(op)}`);
console.log("Sending userops...");
for (const op of userops) {
const uoHash = await primeSdk.send(op);
console.log(`UserOpHash: ${uoHash}`);
console.log('Waiting for transactions...');
const userOpsReceipts = new Array(uoHashes.length).fill(null);
const timeout = + 60000; // 1 minute timeout
while((userOpsReceipts.some(receipt => receipt == null)) && ( < timeout)) {
await sleep(2);
for (let i = 0; i < uoHashes.length; ++i) {
if (userOpsReceipts[i]) continue;
const uoHash = uoHashes[i];
userOpsReceipts[i] = await primeSdk.getUserOpReceipt(uoHash);
if (userOpsReceipts.some(receipt => receipt != null)) {
console.log('\x1b[33m%s\x1b[0m', `Transaction hashes: `);
for (const uoReceipt of userOpsReceipts) {
if (!uoReceipt) continue;
} else {
console.log("Could not submit any user op");
.finally(() => process.exit());